A traditional artist at heart with a passion for 3D technologies.
Born with a crooked foot in the frigid midwest, I began. A few years later, I began filling pages of scribbles, mimicking an older sibling doing homework - starting with my left hand then switching to my right as I approached the middle of the page. Later in life, it was the discovery of "How to Draw" books around the house left behind by another sibling. Throughout school, my thanks to those that encouraged my doodles and provided opportunities to explore versions of art in various mediums. From murals on daycare walls to ads on billboards. Most of all an art teacher that, wisely, often told me "I don't think that'll work". I believe now that was his intention and it was my job to prove him wrong - and did. A desire sparked to utilize art combined with technology. Armed with my High School Yearbook's vote of "Most Creative" (taken lightly) and scholarships to art school, my plans were taking shape. That shape took the form of 3D Media Arts & Animation. This is where my discovery of acrylic paints and color arrived. There was an initial burst into Print Production, Managing teams in both Print and 3D illustration/animation while doing my own freelance work along the way. Now, the next evolution has presented itself in new technologies. Taking my canvases, my vision and creativity into this new digital realm.
While there is immense talent and creativity in portraits and landscapes - I find myself drawn to different interpretations using color, curves and shapes to extract the essence of a subject, idea or feeling. Leaving the viewer to interpret for themselves the meaning, subject or thought conveyed. It's a search for a balance between complete obfuscation and recognition.